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Interior Specialist

"Space needs to be created by a good design; a touch of luxury plus a little bit perosnality makes a perfect one."                                         -Milligan Tsai

Milligan used to be a software engineer, and after few years working in the computer technology industry. She found out that is not where her passion is, then she decide to pursue what is always in her mind - Interior Design.


Now she is completing her final semester in the Humber College Interior Decorating Program, she is an interior decorator, and a designer. She has good eyes for styles, colours and always can see the big picture of an entire space. The interior space she wants to create is not only beautiful and functional, her design also incorporates the key elements of one's lifestyle to express client's personality. She believes that people living and interacting with the space are the most important aspect in an interior design. Thoroughly understanding client's needs and lifestyle is the key to a satisfying space makeover. Talk to her and start building your dream home.


What services she can do for you -

Interior consultation, interior design, home staging and any other design service.

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